My Gamercard

My Profile

Here ur gonna know more bout me, L33t(I'm not gonna tell u my real name(duh)).

A bit about me: Im from Singapore. Yes, a true asian. Never believe ads on the internet. I play Xbox(need more MS points and gold account) and wii(need wifi and Wii points).
My gamertag is L33tsp33ker.

My likes: Spicy food(scorchy), shooter games, RTS games, school holidays, extended recess, sudden holidays, shooting my (completed) homework with and assault rifle then chainsaw it, or dissolving it with sulfuric acid, or toasting it with a flamethrower, Nintendo, Microsoft, Newgrounds.

My hates: Projects, homework, literature, chinese, low BPM music, dancing, playstation series, school, my class, the bus ride, the lessons, the increasing price of everything, my ridiculously small pocket money, ministry of edu.. evil.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Society sucks

yep, school suxx0rz and someone ought to stinkbomb the MOE. Damn oppressors, that includes prefects and seniors and chers. Told a retarded prefect to eat my shoe last friday, dare to do it again(taking off my shoe and waving it in front of him, senior or not). all prefects are enemies of mine, regardless they know me or not. they suck, no, they @#$%ing suck. hard to diffrenciate the student population from prefects on monday, where everyone wears a goddamn tie. harder in ACSI where EVERYONE wears tie EVERYDAY

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